Holiday Closure Announcement

The Wayne Township Fire Department Headquarters and maintenance shops will be closed on Friday June 18th, in Observance of Juneteenth Day. All offices will open at normal hours on Monday June 21st.
The Wayne Township Fire Department Headquarters and maintenance shops will be closed on Friday June 18th, in Observance of Juneteenth Day. All offices will open at normal hours on Monday June 21st.
Some off duty firefighters came in today to help with the first of three “water days”, where we use reserve fire apparatus to make a makeshift water park at one of the Wayne Township Schools. We do a few of these annually
We have just one week left in this hiring process. Wayne Township Fire Department is hiring full and part time paramedics. If you are interested, all the particulars of the process, and the job are on our web page. Just go to
We are currently working with our web host to upgrade the site. Please bear with us as we bring all of our features back online. The EMS hiring links will be down until the services can be brought back online. We apologize
The offices of the Wayne Township Fire Department will be closed on Friday , April 2nd in observance of Good Friday. We will reopen at normal operating times on Monday, April 5th. Have a Happy Easter!
Wayne Township Fire Department is proud to add another layer of service to the Wayne Township Community. Beginning today, off-duty Wayne Township Paramedics will be joining other first responders around the state in the Homebound Hoosiers Vaccination Program. This program provides an
The state of Indiana has announced that all hoosiers age 30 and up are now eligible to register and receive the COVID vaccination. This is one step towards returning to a somewhat normal life. If you are eligible and would like to
Thanks to our friends to the west in Avon, Wayne Township Firefighters have been spending the last two days doing single company drills in some homes that are scheduled for demolition. Today’s drill will wrap things up for the week, with more