FAQ Page

This page is dedicated to answering some of the most common questions asked of the fire department. 

Question: How do I get a smoke detector from the fire department? 

The process is straightforward if you live in Wayne Township, Indianapolis, Indiana. Go to 700 N. High School Road, the Wayne Township Fire Department headquarters, and ask for a smoke detector. (Subject to availability and limited to one per person, if you rent a house or an apartment, it is the responsibility of the apartment management or the landlord of the house to provide working smoke detectors.)

Question: When there is only a small fire, why do so many fire engines respond?

All responses use a "Standard Response Plan." The plan is a pre-designated formula determining the amount and type of equipment sent to the incident. If these units are not needed, the Incident Commander releases them.

Question: How do I create an escape plan for my home or business?

The four basic steps in creating an escape plan for your home include drawing a map of your home, agreeing on a meeting place, practicing your escape plan, and making sure your drill is realistic.

Question: How should I plan for a disabled family member during a fire?

Ensure that you have a well-defined escape plan. Also, ensure that people who are confined to wheelchairs have immediate access to their wheelchairs when an emergency occurs.

Question: What kind of fire extinguisher should I buy for my home?

Homeowners should buy an extinguisher for wood, grease, and electrical fires. These extinguishers are labeled Class A-B-C and are designed to extinguish fires that usually occur in homes.

Question: Do I need to put a smoke detector in every room? How many do I need?

Smoke detectors should be placed outside each sleeping area and on every level of the home, including the basement. On floors without bedrooms, detectors should be installed in or near living areas. Remember to test smoke detectors regularly.

Question: Why am I not supposed to drive over a fire hose?

Firefighters are very concerned about running over firehoses because the hose can be damaged, and any firefighter at the end of a nozzle will have the water supply interrupted, possibly causing injuries or even death. Any hose driven over without protection must be taken out of service immediately until it can be tested.

Question: Can you get my cat out of a tree?

The Fire Department does not assist in rescuing animals that are not in life-threatening danger. Citizens may contact Animal Control. The telephone number is (317) 327-1397.

Question: What if I smell gas in my home?

You must leave the house and call 911 outside or a neighbor's house.

Question: What should I do when I see or hear an emergency vehicle approaching me while driving?

When it is safe, you should pull to the right and stop until all emergency vehicles have passed.

Question: How often should I change the batteries in my smoke detectors?

We recommend changing the batteries in your smoke detectors every six months. An easy way to remember is to change the batteries when you reset your clocks for daylight savings time.

Question: How do I sign up for CPR class?

The Wayne Township Fire Department website's "CPR Classes & Certification" page contains information on signing up for a CPR class.

Question: How much does it cost to have a fire truck respond to my home for an emergency?

Taxpayer revenues are free of charge for fire engines and ladder trucks.

Question: How can I get a job as a firefighter?

Fire departments post hiring information through advertisements in local media and, most often, on their web pages. The hiring process is lengthy and involves many different steps.

Question: How do I arrange a fire station tour or have someone speak to our group?

You can contact our Public Education Division either through email on our contact page or by calling (317) 246-3237 during business hours.

Question: Where can I get fire extinguishers refilled?

Wayne Township Fire Department does not service or refill fire extinguishers. However, you can locate companies in the Yellow Pages under "fire equipment."

Question: Where can I report a leaking or damaged fire hydrant?

Indianapolis Water Company can be contacted at (317) 631-1431

Question: How can I file a complaint about Wayne Township Fire Department personnel?

Complaints can be made via email at [email protected], telephone at (317) 246-6200, or fire headquarters. An address is located on the "Contact Us" page.

Question: Where can I report suspicious arson activity?

If you have reason to believe that a person is setting or has just set a fire, call 911 immediately. Be prepared to describe the suspect, including physical features and clothing. If you have information regarding a recent fire under investigation, please call (317) 246-6200 and follow the prompts for the Fire Prevention Division. You can also email information to [email protected]

Question: What steps should I take for a child with fire-playing behavior?

Children who play with fire can place themselves, their families, and their neighborhoods at risk. Contact the Fire Prevention Division at (317) 246-6200, and follow the prompts or email information to [email protected]

Question: Why is my smoke alarm making a funny noise?

If it sounds a loud alarm, it is because it senses the presence of smoke. Check your home thoroughly. If you smell smoke and cannot locate a fire, call 911. The detector could react to dust or steam if you do not smell smoke. If the detector is chirping, thumping, or buzzing, it probably means the battery is low. Replace the battery as soon as possible. Without a working battery, a smoke detector can not do its job.

Question: Can I have a recreational fire in my backyard?

To see the Open Burning Regulations, click on this lin.k

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